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Danville Area School District

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Online Registration

Danville Area School District - Online Student Registration

The videos and guide below are for student registration only.  Please see the Parent Portal Help (HERE) for instructions on how to register for the parent portal (Grades, Homeroom, Schedule, and more).

Direct Student Registration Portal Link - REGISTRATION PORTAL

3 Online Student Registration Video Tutorials are available:

Registering with the Community Web Portal - Student RegistrationSubmitting a DASD Online Registration FormEditing existing submissions and adding more children into DASD Online Registration

Online Student Registration Guide for Parents

To ease the process of registration, parents and guardians are now able to submit applications and documentation online (starting 2020-2021 School Year). Paper applications can still be obtained and submitted in person at the District Office.


  1. Parents and guardians can access the Student Registration Portal via the Community Web Portal (also referred to as the Sapphire Grade Portal) or with the direct link listed above.  The Community Web Portal link is located on the right side under New Student Registration.


register a new student


Creating a New Account


online registration image


  1. Parents and guardians must first create a new account with their email address so they can access the Student Registration portal. All fields are required while creating a new account. If you do not have an email address, please create one first with one of free providers (such as Gmail by Google) before continuing with this process.
    new acct creation
  2. After the student registration account has been created, cleck the email that was used for registration for a confirmation email.  If you do not see this email in your Inbox, check your spam folder.  There will be a link included in the email to continue the confirmation.   Click the link to start the next step.
    pin retrieval

  3. To finish the confirmation enter your email, password (which was entered earlier), and click Next.  After this step, your account will be confirmed and you can sign on to register your child.

Creating a New Registration

  1. Once you have confirmed your account, sign in and click Start New Registration (bottom) to begin the process.
  2. Simply enter your child’s name, gender, and date of birth to get started. These required fields will carry over to later sections of the registration. Click “Begin Registration” to get started on the full registration process.
    new student first screen
  3. The next page of the Online Registration process is the Introduction to the Danville Area School District. Notice that along the left side of this page you have the ability to submit messages, save the registration, print the registration, and review the index for the registration process. This allows you to choose the sections you would like to fill out at that time. 
    reg 2nd pg

    Table of contents or Index page to view all of the necessary information to complete the registration


Registration 3rd Page


  1. You may click Next to start on the Student Registration, or you could click on “Step 3 - Student Information” to get started. This is where you enter the Student’s Basic Information as it appears on their birth certificate. 
    reg 4th page
  2. Please enter the child’s primary household, meaning where your child lives most of the time. Enter the phone number you would like to assign to your child’s primary household. 

Adding Parents and Guardians

  1. Enter the required contact information for the primary parent/guardian first. This is the first person the school will attempt to contact in the event of an emergency. 
    Registration 5th Page.png
  2. If all required information has been entered for the first parent/guardian, click on Add another Contacts entry (on the bottom of the page). You have the ability to add up to 6 contacts. These entries are in addition to parents/guardians in terms of contact priority. These entries will only be contacted if the previous contacts cannot be reached. 
    Registration 6th Page

Additional Student Information

In this section, you will be able to add important information for the student you are registering. This section contains 3 condition questions. If you answer No for all 3 sections, you will not need to fill out information pertaining to these questions. 

Registration 7th Page.png


  1. The next section is a conditional page and only shows if you responded yes to services.  Indicate services your child has previously received by clicking next to the services listed on the screen, filling in specific information, and clicking Next. 
    Registration 8th Page.png
  2. The next section is a conditional page from the homeless question on the basic student information page. If you indicated the housing status of the child as homeless, you will be able to fill out the details on this page.
    Homeless conditional Screen
  3. The next page pertains to your child’s medical information. Please carefully review this page and be as detailed as possible while filling out your responses.
    Registration 9th Page.png
  4. Please review the transportation details page if your child requires busing. You will need to enter the child’s physical address, as well as provide detail if there is before or after school care and have the ability to add additional comments.
Registration 10th Page.png

Finalizing Student Registration

After all student information has been completed, you can upload required documentation to help finalize student registration. Please note that at minimum, the Home Language Survey, Parental Registration Statement, Proof of Residency, Proof of Age, and Proof of Immunizations (required immunizations are listed HERE) must be received by the District (upload, mail, fax or drop-off) before this registration can be approved.  You can also choose to complete the enrollment forms/documentation with paper/pen and submit everything via fax, mail, or drop-off in person at the District Office.  Uploading is for purely for convenience and is not required.         

reg 11th pg


Please carefully review all information provided to confirm that the student detail is accurate. If you wish to upload documents that have not yet been completed, please save your registration, come back in at a later time to upload your documents, and then submit. If you missed any fields and you attempt to submit, your form will not be accepted initially. The following page will inform you of any missed registration items.

Registration 12th Page.png


After you have submitted your application, it will be carefully reviewed by staff at the school to ensure completion and accuracy. If any part of your application is found to be incomplete, you will be contacted by someone from the school to discuss the issue. In order to move forward with completing the application, you will need to provide updated or corrected documentation. As a part of the process, an incomplete application will remain “pending”. A pending application will still contain all of the information you originally entered. You will not need to start the process from a “blank” application. When an application is in an incomplete pending state, you will receive an email from the school informing you that either:

- One or more of the required documents are not acceptable or missing

- Your child will not be five years of age on or before September 1, 2022